- By-Law 08-17 Local Improvement Lagoon Upgrade Debenture
- By-Law 21-24 Regulate Smoking & Vaping at Outdoor Facilities
- Policy 5.1 - Recognition from Council
- By-Law 20-24 Animal Control
- By-Law 22-24 Cemetery
- By-Law 07-09 Heritage Arts Centre Capital Borrowing
- By-Law 26-10 West Lift Station Rehabilitation
- By-Law 17-24 Traffic
- By-Law 03-11 Local Improvement Debenture
- By-Law 02-22 General Borrowing Kilns Restoration
- By-Law 19-24 Driveway Permit
- By-Law 18-24 Council Code of Conduct
- By-Law 16-24 Utility Rates Septic Haulers
- By-Law 02-23 Organizational
- By-Law 02-24 Burning
- By-Law 03-23 Special Services Waste & Recycling
- By-Law 03-24 Derelict Vehicles
- By-Law 04-23 Cemetery
- By-Law 04-24 Firearms
- By-Law 05-23 Building By-Law
- By-Law 05-24 Lot Grade with permit
- By-Law 06-16 Zoning
- By-Law 06-24 Nuisance Noise
- By-Law 07-24 Removal of Topsoil
- By-Law 08-23 Utility Rates & Septic Haulers
- By-Law 08-24 Unsightly Property
- By-Law 09-23 Municipal By-Law Enforcement Act
- By-Law 09-24 Driveway with permit
- By-Law 10-24 Culverts, Approaches and Ditches
- By-Law 11-24 Special Service Urban Services
- By-Law 12-23 Traffic By-Law
- Policy 9.4 - Parades
- By-Law 13-23 Raffle Lottery
- By-Law 13-24 Municipal Heritage Designation - Anglican Church
- Policy 1.2 Council Committees
- Policy 20.1 - Council Indemnities
- Policy 8.2 - Rural Civic Addressing System
- Policy 8.5A - Construction of Private Approaches, Installation of Culverts Installed by the Town
- Policy 8.5B - Construction of Private Approaches, Installation of Culverts Installed by the Applicant
- Traffic Permit - Overweight Load
- Traffic Permit - Temporary Street Use
- By-Law 10-23 Reduced Speed Zone
- By-Law 04-22 Council Indemnity By-Law
- By-Law 03-22 Use of Municipal Resources in an Election
- By-Law 12/00 Alarm System
- By-Law 06-19 Municipal Heritage Designation of Kilns
- By-Law 07-19 Reduced Speed School Zones
- By-Law 08-19 Reduced Speed Zone
- By-Law 08-21 Smoking & Vaping Outdoor Regulations
- By-Law 09-21 Stonewall Heritage with Policy 14-11
- By-Law 16-13 Snow Disposal
- By-Law 17-71 and BL 04-19 Mobile Homes
- By-Law 03-18 Cannabis Zoning Amendment
- By-Law 01-21 Repeal Sunday Shopping Regulations
- By-Law 38-94 Waste Management as amended
- By-Law 18/04 Public Reserve-Open Space Use
- By-Law 07-16 Capital Lot Levies
- By-Law 9/97 Physically Disabled Parking