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Community Grants

Town of Stonewall Community Grant Program

The Town of Stonewall is committed to the community that it serves and provides financial support in the form of grants and funding to organizations that seek to improve the quality of life of residents within the community.

This policy provides clarity to individuals, groups and other organizations interested in receiving grant funding for next calendar year from the Town of Stonewall.

In order for Council to give proper consideration to grant applications, all applications must be received at the Town Office no later than March 1st in order to be considered for inclusion in the current budget year.

All requests must be made in writing and submitted to the Town Office through, mailed to Town Office, or dropped off in person.

Requests must include an application form (Schedule “A”). Applicants may be asked to provide any additional information requested by the Town to determine eligibility.

The community grants and funding program is not intended to substitute for existing sources of financial support. As grants and funding are allocated on a one-time basis, with no guarantee of similar funding in future years, this municipal grant or funding should not be considered a permanent source in the applicant’s budget

  1.  Requests for funding may be for:
    a. Recreational Purposes: programs and events that directly enhance recreational opportunities in the Town of Stonewall.
    b. Cultural Purposes: programs and events that celebrate and enhance the culture/community of interest located in the Town of Stonewall.
    c. Non-Profit Charity Purposes: programs and events run by registered non-profit organizations located in the Town of Stonewall exclusively for charitable purposes.
    d. Special Events and Festivals: an event held in the Town of Stonewall that provides fun and enjoyment for the residents of the Town of Stonewall as well as attracts spectators and tourists to the Town.
    e. Organizational Operating Grant: money used to cover daily overhead costs for non-profit organizations operating within the Town of Stonewall.
  2.  Eligible requests must meet the following criteria:
    a. All organizations must be non-profit organizations.
    b. Organizations that exist primarily for political purposes, for non-profit, or for the purpose of providing funding to other groups are not eligible.
    c. Personal sponsorship requests (example: individual or wedding social prize solicitation) are note eligible.
    d. Grant applications must be made in writing to the Town of Stonewall.
    e. Each organization, if approved, may only receive one (1) grant per year.
    f. Applications must include evidence of financial need for the Town of Stonewall Community Grant with a clear, articulated plan for the use of the grant.
    g. The event must be held in the Town of Stonewall.
    h. In the case of special events, sports events and festival, requests must clearly demonstrate the potential to draw participants and spectators from outside of the Town of Stonewall.
    i. In the case of special events and festivals, applications should include a proposed program of events and where the event will be promoted.
    j. All applications must include approved annual financial statements for the previous year end and reports should clearly identify all sources of revenue.
  3. Providing all criteria is met, Council will take into account:
    a. Precedent: has this initiative applied for a grant in the past
    b. Local impact: does this initiative benefit the Town of Stonewall residents directly or indirectly
    c. Degree of need: does request address an identified need by the community
    d. Financial need: to what degree does the requester need the grant
    e. Funds remaining: balance remaining in the grants of donations account
  4. Levels of Assistance:
    a. Monetary Funding: at an amount determined by Council
    b. In-Kind Contributions: The Town of Stonewall will no longer be offering in-kind contributions. Organizations who would like to use Town resources including rental of facilities will be charged full price for these services. If you would like funding to help cover these costs, please include them in your grant application.
  5. Acknowledgement of the Town of Stonewall Grant:
    a. All recipients of the Town of Stonewall Grants are required to publicly acknowledge such donations.

Download the Community Grant Program Application HERE.