The Town of Stonewall owns and operates the Cemetery located on Highway 67, on the eastern end of Town limits. It is maintained by the Parks and Arena Department. (Click here to view a map which will help you locate the cemetery)
The following are the rules and regulations for the Cemetery:
1. Any persons interested in purchasing a plot(s) and or a columbarium niche in the Stonewall Cemetery can do so at the Town Office.
2. A map/plan of the cemetery plots is kept at the Town Office for the public to view and check availability of plot locations.
3. Cemetery plots and niches may only be returned/resold to the Town, and in addition, plots and niches cannot be returned/resold for more than the amount at which the plot or niche was originally purchased from the Town. Original deeds for the plot or niche must be returned to the Town prior to the completion of the refund.
4. Once a plot/niche is decided on and purchased, a deed will be issued by the Town.
5. Prior to any deceased person, either a human body or ashes, being interred in the Stonewall Cemetery, such burial shall be registered with the Town.
6. Location and staking of plots purchased shall be supervised by the Parks and Arena Manager prior to excavation.
7. The cost of digging and closing the grave must be borne by those in charge of arrangements for the deceased.
8. The maximum number of burials in a plot shall not exceed the following:
- burial of two (2) human bodies and two (2) human ashes provided that the first burial of a human body shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in depth, or;
- burial of one (1) human body and three (3) human ashes, or;
- burial of four (4) human ashes.
There is an additional fee for the second internment as stated in the fee schedule.
9. The maximum number of interments in a columbarium niche shall not exceed two (2) human ashes.
10. Grave coverings and/or curbs of any kind are not permitted. The placing of crushed rock on any grave is not permitted.
11. Epitaphs are not permitted on the columbarium and/or niches with the exception of protective service and military emblems, logos, insignia, and symbols. Attachments of any kind, with the exception of official insignia/emblems/logos/symbols of any protective service and military personnel, and are not permitted on the columbarium and/or niches.
12. No lettering style, scripts, and layouts other than those shown in By-Law 04-23 will be permitted for the columbarium niches.
13. Urns must be made of NON-biodegradable bronze, marble, or granite for interment in a columbarium niche or Cemetery plot. Glass, ceramic, plastic, or wood urns are not permitted.
14. The entire Cemetery is designated as perpetual care which consists of keeping plots level, keeping the grass cut, as well as any other maintenance the Parks and Arena Manager deems necessary.
15. In order to place or erect a headstone, gravestone, monument, footstone, or flat marker in, upon, or around any plot or burial within the Stonewall Cemetery a permit must be obtained from, submitted to, and approved by the Town of Stonewall. The permit application must include the size and weight of the gravestone and footing being proposed. The permit application must be accompanied by the required fee as stated in the fee schedule.
16. Maintenance and repairs of headstone is up to the family members of the deceased.
17. At the time of interment cut flowers, wreaths, and floral offerings may be placed on plots, but will be removed and disposed of by Town Staff after 30 days or if it interferes with maintenance of the Cemetery.
18. No person shall plant or sow on any plot in the Cemetery any flower, tree, shrub, or other species of vegetation without first obtaining the written permission from the Parks & Arena Supervisor. Whether such consent has been obtained or not, the Town may at any time order or direct the removal of the same without giving any reason or notice.
19. The Town shall have authority to remove all floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, plant, or herbage of any kind from the Cemetery as soon as they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental or diseased.
20. Fresh and artificial flowers shall be permitted, provided they are in an approved receptacle permanently affixed to an upright monument.
21. Decorations or ornamental materials of any kind including, but not limited to, lawn ornaments, solar lights, borders, fences, railings, trellises, iron posts, or any items made of glass or china may not be placed on any plot in the Cemetery. The Town shall have authority to remove and dispose of all decorations or ornamental materials placed in the Cemetery.
22. Lots 1 to 38 inclusive in Sections C, D, E, F, and G have been designated as the Lawn Section in the Stonewall Cemetery and as such no curbing, grave covering, upright headstones, footstones, or monuments shall be permitted.
23. Lots 1-8 and 31-38 in Section A and B have been set aside an area which shall be known as the "Field of Honour," which shall be reserved for the burial of veterans. Any person who at the time of their death is a Resident of the Town who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces or is a veteran as defined in By-Law 04-23 shall be entitled to receive a plot at no cost in the Field of Honour.

Please refer to By-Law 04-23 for more detailed information.