The public is welcome to attend any Council Meeting or Committee Meeting in person or by using the virtual meeting link included at the top of each agenda posted on this website.

The public is invited to attend all Regular Council, Committee Meetings, and Public Hearings. Any in-camera portion of a Council meeting is closed to the public to discuss matters as permitted under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Regular meetings of the Council are held on the first and third Wednesday of the months with the exception of July and August. Summer meetings are held on the first Wednesday of July, and third Wednesday of August. All Council Meetings are held at 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 293 Main Street, unless posted otherwise. Committee of the Whole Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month except in July and August.
Anyone wishing to appear as a delegation in order to address Council is to notify the CAO in writing. To allow Council Members to prepare for delegations, all presenters must register with the Chief Administrative Officer or their designate at least 60 hours (6:30 AM on the Monday prior) before the Council meeting and advise the Chief Administrative Officer or their designate of the topic and scope of the presentation. Please use the Delegation Form posted HERE. Please submit the application via email to or fax to (204) 467-7999.
Council Meetings