Heritage Committee
Preserving our Community's Past for our Community's Future.
The Stonewall Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee is a group of dedicated volunteers interested in preserving our community's heritage. Currently we are working on a variety of projects.
Stonewall Merchants
Currently our committee is working to collect and preserve local stories, photographs and objects that help tell the story of Stonewall's merchants from the late 1870's up until the present day. The information gathered will be used for eventual display in the Industry Town and Its People Gallery at the Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre.
Stonewall Remembers
This project is dedicated to ensuring that the contributions and sacrifices of local residents during Canadian military service are never forgotten. Each November the committee hosts a weeklong Stonewall Remembers exhibit at the Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre. Past exhibits have included: "Answering the Call: Honoring All Who Have Served" and "Women & War: On All Fronts". "1918: The End of the War to End All Wars". In addition to the exhibit, we invite the local grade 6 classes to participate in making votives for local veteran's graves and host a candlelight remembrance.
Cemetery Mapping
Our committee is often sought out by people looking for information about their ancestors. We are happy to share our research with the public. With the assistance of summer students we have photographed the grave markers and are creating a searchable database which will enable people to find a grave more easily. A bulletin board will soon be installed at the cemetery to assist anyone looking for a special grave. Volunteers have also participated in cleaning up the cemetery.
Heritage Designation
Recognizing and protecting places that have heritage value is an important part of planning for the future. Currently there are only four sites in our community that are designated as historically significant. The committee is researching other sites in the community for potential designation.
Would you like more information about our committee or one of our projects?
Do you have a story, photo or artifact you would like to share?
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-The Stonewall Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee