Quarry Choristers

The Quarry Choristers is a multi-generational, community ladies' choral group, that presents an annual dinner theater in May each year, with eight separate performances at the Heritage Arts Centre. They also perform at seniors' homes and various functions upon request. The Choristers meet on Sunday evenings at the Stonewall United Church. New members are always welcome.

Quarry Choristers 2025 presents:
Return to Clarkleigh Manor

In the shadow of an old, crumbling estate, secrets and ambitions collide.  When beloved but mysterious widow Clara Lee Clarkleigh passes away, friends and family gather to pay their respects—but not without their own hidden agendas. As everyone vies for ownership of the manor, they discover the will is missing! Tensions mount as Clarkleigh Manor's long-buried secrets begin to stir. 

In this suspenseful tale, no one will leave with what they expect.

8 Performances May 1st - 10th, 2025

Dinner Theatre-$65
Dessert Matinee-$30

**Tickets go on sale at the Stonewall United Church in-person one day only, March 1st, 1-4pm**
Online sales start March 2 at 7:00am (click on the site below to purchase tickets).

Website : https://www.quarrychoristers.com

Phone : 204-467-8348
