Cross Country Skiing

When the weather permits, cross country ski trails are made in the park. 

Quarry Park has a free ski lending program. We have a variety of ski boot sizes available for use.

Quarry Park offers visitors and townspeople the opportunity to borrow cross country ski's free of charge from the Heritage Arts Centre. Come to the reception desk in the lower level, to complete or submit your lending agreement and waiver. Staff can also email both the form and the waiver to people wishing to use the equipment in advance. The forms must be signed by a parent if the child is under 18 years of age. If you know that you will be using the equipment more than once, the lending agreement and waiver can be dated for a certain time period and not just for the one day. ID will be required, a driver’s license or similar photo ID for adults and student cards for students who do not have government-issued photo ID. Families only need ID for the adult in charge. The equipment will be loaned out in two-hour blocks. The Heritage Arts Centre is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week. Start points are near the gate to Kinsmen Lake, the lower parking lot of the HAC or the parking lot by the campground. We have two full sets of snowshoes for families (two adults, three kids).

Please contact Quarry Park front desk at 204-467-7980 for more information or email at

*Attach waiver and loan form