
There are nine diamonds available for all types of games from slo pitch to hardball.  Fines Field has been the site of several national tournaments such as the Blue Jays Cup, the Western Canada Summer Games, and the 1999 Pan Am Games.  Site amenities include:

  • Modern washrooms
  • Picnic shelter
  • Food Concession
  • Umpires Room
  • Bleacher seating – Diamonds 1 – 5
  • Scoreboards – Diamonds 1, 2, & 5
  • Sound booths – Diamonds 1 & 2
  • Lights – Diamond 1

To book a game or practice contact the park office. 

For Monday – Thursday use, diamonds must be booked prior to 2:00 pm on the day of use. For Friday – Sunday use, diamonds must be booked prior to noon on the Friday.  

Practices will be booked in 1.5-hour blocks. Players are permitted on the field during their scheduled time only. Teams will have access one hour prior to regularly scheduled games.

If your team needs to cancel a game or practice, please notify the park office. Failure to notify the office will result in your team being charged the appropriate rental fee. Teams are responsible for notifying umpires and the opposing team.

In the event of poor weather, decisions about the fields will be made as early as possible to allow time to notify teams. Coaches will be notified as soon as a decision is made. Please make sure the office has the correct contact information for your team.

Fines Field is still closed as of April 11, 2024. 

All Stonewall Minor Ball and Interlake Minor Ball Games are being entered into the online booking system by the Quarry Park Manager. Once completed, teams can request practice times on-line through the following link.

 Town of Stonewall - Public Access (

Accounts have been set up for each coach/manager whose name was provided. Please book practices for your teams only under the name/category of your team. If you are unsure of who your team has as the coach/manager on file, please email for assistance.

Stonewall Quarry Park’s baseball facility includes a total of nine diamonds.


Complete with bleacher seating, food concession and sound booth, the class A diamonds have been the site for a number of national tournaments such as the Blue Jays Cups in 1997 and 1998. They were also used for the Pan Am Games in 1999 and the Western Canada Summer Games in 2003.


Diamonds are available for all types of games from slo pitch to hardball.

Click below for:

diamond schedule

rental fee information